Contributing Photographers { 21 galleries }
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Simon Groneberg
Welcome our newest member to the growing team of international photographers, Simon Groneberg.
Simon creates media content as unique as his customers. It doesn't matter if it's you, something you designed to sell, love, live at, work or participate in: he's focused on making all kinds of high quality solutions for his customers around the globe.
The usage of cutting edge, high resolution cameras (full and medium-format) and professional high performance optics is imperative for his work because it allows him to achieve the desired look that makes a difference for his clients.
His experience has ranged from fashion productions, movie sets, international TV formats (Channel 10 Israel, BBC UK, Canal Plus France) and in the Motorsport sphere (Audi Sport-, Porsche-, McLaren & VW-Teams in the WRC, GT Masters & DTM Series).
To find our more check out his website:
and enjoy his featured work here on our database.
All images are available for private, editorial or commercial use and can be comfortably purchased after registering with our system.
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Nati Levi
is a professional photographer from Israel, working for Jeepolog and she started covering international rally events in early 2012 when she followed the israeli team in the Croatia Trophy.
After seeing her work I invited her to join Rallyewerk and introduced her to the organizers of the Rallye Breslau, which she covered this year, too.
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Martin Brink [MB], renowned dutch photojournalist is among the first members of Rallyewerk.
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Nicht die technische Perfektion ist nicht mein oberstes Ziel, sondern den emotionalen Augenblick auf einem Foto einzufangen! Ob ein Bild schön ist, wird meist individuell empfunden. Schönheit ist subjektiv. Ein gutes Foto soll spannend sein und faszinieren. Es soll Gedanken entfesseln und vor allem soll es berühren! Das Auslösen von Emotionen, das ist mein Anspruch an die Kunst der Pferdefotografie, zu welcher selbstverständlich auch das notwendige Know-how im Umgang mit der Kamera gehört.
Ich arbeite freiberuflich als Fotojournalisten für Pferdemagazine, darunter Cavallo, Mein Pferd, Pegasus - Freizeit im Sattel, Reiterjournal, Westernreiter, Westernhorse, Wu Wei Verlag, Starke Pferde, Kavallo Schweiz, Pferde Woche Schweiz, Passion Schweiz, Caballoy y Liderazgo Spanien und für die Fundação Alter Portugal.
Daneben bin ich als Pressefotografin/-journalistin für diverse Zeitungen tätig.
Ihre Webseite:
Ihr Kontakt:
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Jacek Balk [JB]
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Daniel Grabinski [DG], a long time friend and great photographer whom most of you may know as the owner of the "3-Raum"
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Alexander Rempt [AR]
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Sigi Leurs [SL]
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Jason Finlay [JF|
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French photographer, Raphaël Hétier [RH], is one of the contributing photographers for the french magazine Journaldu4x4 (
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Stefan Rieder [SR]